Hello there, I am Marco Camargo, I am an electronic engineer with 7 years of field expertice, currently I am studing Full Stack Development for new challenges and personal ambitions. I have great communication skills and I like collaborate and work as a team. I am always looking to improve my skills and apply my knowledge in a new project.

Marco Camargo
Electronic Engineer & Full Stack Developer
- From: Carrizal, VE
- Lives In: Santiago, CL
- Age: 31
- Gender: Male
My Skills

My Services
Services that I can offer
Fully Responsive
Your site will display properly on any device, including desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones.
Creative Design
A good and attractive web design helps you keep your leads on your site, which is the digital face of your business.
I know the importance of web desing and can help you create a website accurate to your needs
My Projects
Here you can see the proyects that I have worked on

Pizzeria Mamma Mia
A shop cart app using React, where you can add and remove diferent pizzas.

Poke Api
A page created with React consulting the PokeApi to see pokemons through a search bar or the pagination.

Natural Pic
This is a page was created using React Context where you can give a like to the pictures and save them in a list of favorites.

Colaborator List
This is a list app using React with 3 inputs to add a new colaborator or search for them.
Contact me if you want us to work together